Police Department
712 13th Street, Aurora, NE |
402-694-5815 |
The Aurora Police Department exists to provide quality police service and protection with dignity and respect for all.
The Aurora Police Department has a commitment to a shared and open relationship of involvement with all segments of our community. We involve the community in all policing activities that directly affect the quality of community life and encourage public input regarding the development of policies that directly affect the quality of neighborhood life.
Chief’s Welcome
On behalf of the Aurora Nebraska Police Department, I welcome you to our website. I encourage you to take your time and you will find our website to be very helpful & informative.
The Aurora Police Department is made up of nine highly trained, experienced police officers, an administrative assistant, and an animal control officer that are dedicated to protecting and serving the citizens of our great community.
Thank you for visiting our website.
I hope it was of assistance to you.
If not, please contact me for further assistance.
The City of Aurora Police Department has four primary functions and services. These include patrol, investigation, operations and support.
The police officers safeguard the city and perform tasks that prevent crime and disorder. Police officers patrol the city and conduct business checks and house watches. While Police Officers are not on patrol, they assist in criminal investigation matters and share information with other law enforcement agencies: Sheriff’s Department, Nebraska State Patrol, Probation, Health and Human Services, and prosecutors. Criminal investigations are directly linked with solving crimes and acquiring materials needed to effectively process crime scenes as well as identify crime patterns and recommend response actions. Other duties of the Aurora Police Department include enforcing all state and federal statues as well as city ordinances, investigating traffic accidents, identifying conditions facilitating criminal behavior and disorder, enforcing parking and animal ordinances, and assisting on medical calls as First Responders certified in Heart Saver AED.
In addition to their daily duties Officers also present safety programs to the public. Below are programs and functions that the Police Department is involved in:
Cub Scout Merit Activities
Elementary School Carnival
Scare the Square
Parade Traffic
A’ROR’N Days
National Night Out