The City of Aurora water system covers nearly 2,000 acres and consists of approximately 50 miles of water main ranging in size from 2” to 16”. The water system currently serves approximately 2,150 resident connections and approximately 29 non-resident connections (outside corporate limits). The system is supplied by seven municipal water wells and a 300,000-gallon water tower for additional storage capacity. The city wells were constructed in 1956, 1965 (re-drilled in 2005), 1973, 1978, 1999, 2016 and 2018. The water tower was constructed in 1956. Listed below are some previous years water usage data from the City wells.
Annual Flow Totals (Gallons)
Daily Average (Gallons)
Annual Water Quality Reports
This report is intended to provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made by the City of Aurora water system to provide safe drinking water.
Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Program
Nebraska’s Safe Drinking Water Act requires public water systems to implement an on-going cross connection control program. An important part of this program is public education. It is believed that a well informed public will be more aware of the possibility of cross connections within their property and will take reasonable and sensible precautions to avoid creating cross connections on their property.
What is a cross connection?
A cross connection occurs whenever there is an actual or potential physical connection between the public drinking water system and any possible source of contamination. Sources of contamination can include both high hazard materials, which can cause illness or death, and low or non-hazardous materials which are mainly just a nuisance and can cause the water to look, taste or smell unpleasant. Although the high hazards are the primary concern in a cross connection control program, our public water system strives to provide both safe and high quality water to our customers. Whenever there is a loss of pressure in the public water supply, these cross connections can allow unsafe substances to enter the public water supply.
What causes cross connections?
Cross connections can be caused by both permanent and temporary “piping”. An example of a cross connection being permanently piped in is the drain on a water softener. Many times these discharge lines are connected directly to the sewer line without any type of protection. Hot tub, whirlpool and swimming pool fill pipes are other examples of permanently piped cross connections.
Common residential cross connections
1. PRIVATE WELLS AND SECONDARY WATER SOURCES A well or secondary source of water on a property is a potential cross connection. Wells or secondary water sources are prohibited from being connected to the Lincoln Water System. A backflow preventer on the public water supply is always required when secondary sources of water are present on a customer’s property. 2. LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Underground irrigation systems are a direct cross connection, and the public water supply must be protected with a suitable backflow device. These devices are normally located on the side or back of your home similar to the one pictured. Surface water can be siphoned back into your plumbing system through an automated lawn irrigation system unless a proper backflow device is attached. If the system uses a pump or has fertilizer or chemical injection, additional backflow protection and backflow testing is required. 3. SWIMMING POOLS OR HOT TUBS Pools and hot tubs that are permanently connected to the home plumbing system are direct cross connections and must be protected with a suitable backflow device. An unprotected cross connection could draw pool water and chemicals back into your household plumbing system and public water supply. When filling a pool or hot tub with a hose, never submerge the end as this is another cross connection. Always leave an air gap when filling pools, tubs, sinks or containers. 4. PHOTO, CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, VETERINARIAN OR OTHER LAB FACILITIES Home use of photographic chemicals, process chemicals, biological laboratory supplies, veterinarian supplies or other laboratory chemicals can cause contamination due to an unprotected cross connection. A suitable backflow device is necessary to protect the home plumbing system and public water supply. 5. BOILER SYSTEMS FOR HEATING These systems are not common but do exist in some homes. Normally these systems are in larger homes. Water is used to replenish the boiler which also may have chemicals. This cross connection must be protected with a suitable backflow device to prevent contamination of the home plumbing system and public water supply. 6. HOME MEDICAL, DENTAL OR DIALYSIS EQUIPMENT Similar to equipment found in medical offices, these devices are sometimes used in the home. When connected to the water supply, these cross connections must be protected with a suitable backflow device to prevent contamination of the home plumbing system and public water supply. 7. OTHER POTENTIAL CROSS CONNECTIONS A garden hose submerged in a sink or connected to a container containing chemicals or fertilizer is a serious cross connection. A sudden drop in water pressure from a water main break or from water being used to fight a fire can siphon water back into your home plumbing system or the public water supply. A vacuum breaker is a simple inexpensive device that can be installed on the faucet or hose to prevent contamination. Vacuum breakers are provided on outside faucets on homes built since 1992. Most bathtubs and sinks have an air gap. This space between the highest water level in the fixture and the outlet of the water is the best form of backflow protection. Never leave the end of a hose submerged in a tub, pool or container. Residential fire protection systems, in-home water treatment systems, car washes, solar heating and decorative ponds and soaking tubs are other possible cross connections.
Darrell Eggli
Water/Sewer/Street Department Supervisor
Darrell has been a reliable employee of the City going on 15 years. His experience and understanding of the infrastructure and the necessity to protect the public, property, and environment including the safety of his co-workers is essential to the success of the projects and/or maintenance the City has and will be undertaking in the future. He is in constant communication with the utilities superintendent while planning and performing the day to day operations of the department. In his role as the supervisor of the Water/ Sewer/ Street departments Darrell is responsible for all aspects of the city’s infrastructure.