Police Department1
Badge #: 4286
Shift: Day
Specialties: Hostage Negotiator, D.A.R.E Instructor, PPCT Defensive Tactics InstructorOn behalf of the Aurora Nebraska Police Department, I welcome you to our website. I encourage you to take your time and you will find our website to be very helpful & informative.
The Aurora Police Department is made up of highly trained, experienced police officers, an administrative assistant, and an animal control officer that are dedicated to protecting and serving the citizens of our great community.
Thank you for visiting our website.
I hope it was of assistance to you.
If not, please contact me for further assistance.
The City of Aurora Police Department has four primary functions and services. These include patrol, investigation, operations and support.
The police officers of the Patrol Section safeguard the city and perform tasks that prevent crime and disorder. Several duties are routine in their daily jobs. Police officers patrol the city, house watches, alleys, and local businesses. Additionally, they present safety program to the public which include bicycle safety, Cub Scout Merit Badges, and the Ride Along Program to name a few. While Police Officers are not on patrol or conducting safety programs, they assist in criminal investigation matters and share information with other law enforcement agencies: Sheriff’s Department, Nebraska State Patrol, Probation, Health and Human Services, and Adult Protective Services. Other duties of the Patrol Section include enforcing all state and federal statues as well as city ordinances, investigating traffic accidents, identifying conditions facilitating criminal behavior and disorder, enforcing parking and animal ordinances, providing animal control services by service of an Animal Control Officer and assisting on medical calls as First Responders certified in Heart Saver AED.
The Investigator devotes attention to issues directly linked with solving crimes. They acquire materials needed to effectively process crime scenes as well as identify crime patterns and recommend response actions. Consequently, Investigators coordinate and share information with prosecutors and other law enforcement agencies. Continuing Education and training police officers in investigative techniques and technology is also a priority of the Investigator.
Aside from daily duties of the Police Officer and Investigator, they are responsible for maintenance of equipment, facilities, vehicles and records. Additionally, they issue bicycle registration as well as firearm permits to purchase, lease, rent or receive transfer.
Lastly, the Police Department supports, supervises, and participates in many community programs and functions. Below are programs and functions that the Police Department is involved in:
- Elementary School Carnival
- Scare the Square
- Relay for Life
- FAMfest
- IAMS Pet Parade
- National Night Out
- It’s a Wonderful Life
- A’ROR’N Days
- Parade Traffic
- Special Olympics Torch Run
- Cub Scout Merit Activities.
The City of Aurora Police Officers and Department Administration are also members of:
- Aurora Area Chamber and Development
- Leadership of Tomorrow
- Junior Achievement
- Teammates
- Anti-Bullying Committee
- Family Connections